Thursday, 2 May 2019

String work at Mandarin Class

We persevered to follow Miss Han's instructions to make the models which she had demonstrated to us. We helped each other to achieve success.


  1. Indigo Harding2 May 2019 at 17:18

    Wow! Amazing parachutes Kaya and Natasha!

    from Indigo

  2. WOW WOW WOW! You guys are so creative with strings. I can finally do all those cool tricks on the photos. Mandarin class is really fun. I tried to create my own... but I didn't succeed but I'm going to keep trying you guy's might want to try to. Congratulations for succeding in mandarin.

    1. Jade I love that you are using the self belief GEM by showing perseverance and creativity!

  3. Great work Room 18. Blake and Mrs Turner tried to teach me to make the eiffel tower today at lunchtime. I am not very good at it yet but I will keep trying.

  4. Glad that you are finding Mandarin class fun. I Love Jade's feedback on how she is trying to create her own. Great to see you all showing perseverance and challenging yourselves (using the self belief GEM)

  5. Sienna Wilton4 May 2019 at 11:50

    Congratulations to all of you!
    It looks like you all had fun learning with strings.
    I hope you liked that lesson because I know I did.

  6. You guys really look like THE STRING MASTERS I love Mandarin class it was really fun! OH and I made up my own one I don't know what to call it maybe you guys could help me think of one when I show you. Everyone did so well with strings.

  7. You guys look like string magician.

  8. WOW!
    My brother was amazed Kai Pai

  9. Wow! You all look like string masters.I loved mandarin class. It was really fun.

  10. Wow!You guys look like you have super powers using stings! KAI PAI!!!

    By Sophia
